Foras is a company specialized in the design, production and marketing of electric water pumps for domestic, residential, agricultural and industrial use. Founded in 1990, Foras has over a decade of experience that allows it to touch the most important areas of use in fluid handling, and to respond with ad hoc solutions to the greater demands of the market.
Pentax is the result of a strategy designed at the end of the ‘80s and oriented to the creation of a corporate body structured on the decentralization of production
The company was born from the fusion of Elettromac and Zetabase. Thanks to advanced technologies and a rationalization of the production process, in the 90’s the company imposed itself on the
Foras Pumps joins the group
Increase model production, number of customers and delivery speed
The Pentax group expands again with the entry of Marly: a company
specialized in the realization of industrial pumps
The group, now leader in the sector, reaches a consolidated turnover of 70 million euros
Start of works to expand the operational headquarters with the creation of a new logistics hub of more than 8,000 square meters
After more than 30 years of activity we can finally trace the guidelines that have governed and directed the industrial development of Pentax Industries S.p.A. actions and processes that have intersected with the obvious aim of creating value, benefits to be redistributed to the various components of the production and distribution process.

A rational allocation of available resources, together with a refined program of production decentralization, have allowed the company to adapt to changing market conditions, each time with extreme rapidity.
Maximum attention to the markets, therefore, with the commitment to respond in real time to the specific needs of the different markets, paying particular attention to technological progress. All this in the perspective of a careful policy for customer

Foras owes its success to over 30 years of experience in the world market of hydraulic
electric pumps, always ready to respond to the needs of every customer with professionalism and spirit of innovation.
Foras represents reliability for customers and respect for employees every day. It guarantees dynamic production processes and flexible distribution systems that cross
the world.
Foras can boast one of the widest ranges of products available on the market today, all high quality solutions for the industrial and domestic sector.
The range of Foras products is very large precisely because it seeks to respond to the most diverse needs according to the sector of use and the type of device for all applications in the domestic, residential, irrigation and industrial sectors.
Foras listens, analyzes and gets to work to offer the best to its customers. There are many variables that make a perfect service: the needs of customers, the geographical area of interest, weathering. Foras thoroughly studies every case, identifies the best solution and finally intervenes with confidence.
In-Line Controls All Foras solutions are individually subjected to functional, electrical and hydraulic tests for fault-tolerant test lines.

UNI EN ISO 14001

ISO 45001

Test, Research and Development Area Foras has created two fully automated rooms, equipped with technologically advanced equipment for the study and testing of new concept prototypes.
Each order is processed exactly on time, because customer satisfaction comes
Foras has learned to adapt to the different market situations in real time, processing
orders with extreme speed and guaranteeing shorter and shorter times.
Foras’s great strength is based on the organization: productive and distributive. Foras
knows how to minimize order processing time by quickly adjusting to sudden changes in demand. Each delivery takes place in record time, just because the first goal is to meet customer expectations.
Our mission is creating a strong and honest partnership with our customers.
P. Meneguzzo, Pentax Industries Sales Director
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